
The Ice Angel

Story by: Nikki



                              This is the island of GreenShore, a beautiful island covered in blankets of green and many more beautiful land features on the island. This island is also inhabited by Pokemon. These Pokemon have come together to transform this abounded island into their beautiful home. However, the island and the world are in the hands of danger. An incredibly powerful Dusknoir and his group plan on controlling the world by gathering these special plates created by the god of all Pokemon, Arceus. Arceus is the god of all Pokemon and created these plates to keep the universe in perfect harmony. But all of that is going to change if Dusknoir gets a hand of all  of the plates! However, according to the ancient texts, in the year of 2011, a gifted and blessed Pokemon will go on an epic quest to gather the sacred plates and to save the universe from destruction and evil.
Pink bunnies!
                               Zoey the Eevee walked to school in the village on GreenShore. Zoey was a smaller than most Eevees and Zoey wore a special golden necklace that once belonged to her mother. She was a very happy Eevee, even though she didn't have any friends except for her father, a Jolteon named Zack, who was one of the elite police officers on GreenShore Island. Zoey entered the school building. She walked into her classroom and saw her classmates socializing with each other.
"Hello everyone!"  said Zoey.
Her classmates glared at her. Then they went back to socializing with one another. Zoey frowned, but then shook it off and gave a sunny look to one of the groups of Pokemon.
"Hey girls! What's up?" Zoey smiled.
"Oh, it's you, Zoey." said Kayla the Kirlia.
"Zoey, can you all do us a favor and shut the hell up?" hissed Sally the Shinx.
The girls laughed, and Zoey stood there all alone as the girls walked away from her.
"Good Morning, Class!" said an enthusiastic voice.
"Good morning, Ms. Meganium!" answered the classmates.
Ms. Meganium stood before the class, she was a Meganium, who always wore a positive look on her face.
"Okay, class. Today we're all going to continue our session on double battles! First, everyone get a partner and I will assign you with two other partners to battle against." said Ms. Meganium.
The classmates swarmed around like a flock of combee. Zoey asked the other Pokemon to be partners, but they all ignored her. Soon, everyone but Zoey had a partner.
"Ms. Meganium! I don't have a partner." said Zoey.
"Oh, how about you join a group and each take turns. Here, how about you join Sally and Kayla?" smiled Ms. Meganium.
"W-WHAT?!" said Kayla and Sally.
"Alright! Let's make this an awesome battle!" said Zoey.
The two girls sighed and rolled their eyes in disbelief.
"Crap, I can't believe we got pared up with her." whispered Sally.
"I know, wait! I have a plan!" whispered Kayla.
Kayla whispered her plot into Sally's ear. They both smirked.
"Okay, Zoey! We'll partner up first." said Kayla.
"Cool!" said Zoey.

Pikachu! Pika Pi kaaaaaa!
                            Kayla and Zoey went to the battle field and were face-to-face with their opponents, Tina the Plusle and Nina the Minun.
"This is a double battle, the battle ends until one group is unable to continue. And...Begin!" said Ms.Meganium.
"Let's go, Nina!" said Tina.
Nina and Tina started off with a double spark attack, which Kayla and Zoey swiftly dodged. Zoey and Kayla used a counter attack, Kayla used magical leafy and Zoey used tackle. The Plusle and Minun were hit by those attacks, but used their encore to come up with a new strategy.
"Ooh, good move!" Zoey cheered her opponents.
"You're not supposed to cheer them, you idiot!" said Kayla.
Kayla dashed to Nina and Tina to use magical leaf while Zoey once again used tackle. Kayla was in Zoey's way and Zoey accidentally crashed into Kayla.
"Oh no!" cried Ms. Meganium.
Ms. Meganium dashed over to Kayla and Zoey.
"Are you two okay?" asked Ms. Meganium.
Kayla got up. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
"Z-Zoey purposely tackled into me!" sobbed Kayla.
"Zoey! How dare you! You're never aloud to hurt your partner in double battle. And, unnecessary violence is never aloud in our school either. Zoey, you are banned from this school!" said Ms. Meganium. She glared at Zoey, very unsatisfied while the classmates laughed at Zoey. Zoey ran out of the school, tears rapidly rolling down her cheeks.
"What did I do? It was only an accident! It's a misunderstanding!" Zoey said to herself.

                          Zoey ran into the forest, trying to escape from the humiliation that just happened. She tripped on a rock. She fell face first onto the ground and started to cry. Zoey got up. She sat there and took off her necklace.
"Mama, I wish you were here. I wish you could come back to life and tell me it'll be alright!" sobbed Zoey.
Zoey cried. Her tears fell onto the golden heart attached to her necklace. But then, Zoey's ears perked. She heard a rustling noise, then, footsteps. And there, stood a Buizel. He was just a little bit taller than most Buizels. He smiled.
"Hey, you okay there?" asked the Buizel
"*sniff* No, I'm not." sobbed Zoey. "Wait, don't you go to my school?"
"Yeah, I do. I saw what happened." said the Buizel.
"Please don't talk about it. It was only an accident and I'd never just purposely attack someone." said Zoey.
"I know it is an accident." said the Buizel. "Kayla was waiting for Nina and Tina to use encore so that way you could accidentally tackle into her so she could make it looked like you really meant to tackle her. Kayla planned this."
"B-but I thought she was my friend..." said Zoey.
"That bitch was never your friend." said the Buizel. "She never liked you for some reason. Damn, I hate her." The Buizel clenched his fist. "You know what, I should've stood up for you sooner, but I felt a lot of peer pressure and I just followed along with the other Pokemon. I should've never done that. Zoey, I'm sorry... can we be friends?" asked the Buizel.
Zoey clung onto the Buizel and tucked her face into his shoulder and started to cry, but not in sorrow, but tears of joy.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" cried Zoey.
The Buizel smiled.
"Oh, and by the way, my name is Andrew." said Andrew the Buizel. "Isn't your name Zoey?"
"Yeah." said Zoey. Zoey stopped crying.
Zoey's ears perked up again and she heard the sound of footsteps running. Suddenly, Zoey's father stood before them. He seemed very angry about something.
"Zoey, I've just heard from Ms.Meganium that you hurt one of your classmates on purpose." said Zack.
"But father, it was an accident-"
"I don't care!" said Zack. "You're grounded for a week."
"Stop it!" screamed Andrew. "Zoey didn't mean to tackle into Kayla, Kayla just waited for it to happen to make it look like she purposely tackled into her. I saw it with my own eyes and we go to school together! I'm not lying!!" said Andrew.
"Father, he's telling the truth." said Zoey.
Zack stood there and then smiled.
"Alright, I forgive you. I'll tell Ms. Meganium the truth right now. Okay kiddo?" Zack smiled at her daughter.
"Thank you, Father!" said Zoey.
Suddenly, they heard something. Zack turned around and stood there in an attack position. A dark shadow crept around preparing to attack...
                            Zack's ears perked, he turned around and stood in an attack position. Zack briefly say a shadow of a Pokemon, but constantly kept jumping around. Zack stood there, waiting for the shadow to reveal itself. Zoey hid behind Zack, who had the feelng of butterfrees in her stomach. Andrew also disturbed, but knew it was to late to run, the group was surrounded by the mysterious shadow.
"SHOW YOURSELF!!!" screamed Zack.
He used a powerful thunderbolt attack on the shadow, but, the shadow was know where to be seen. Suddenly, a random sucker punch attack smacked Zack across his face.
"Father!!" cried Zoey.
"Heh, well, if it isn't Zack the Jolteon, one of the elite police Pokemon of this island..." said a mysterious voice.
The Pokemon lurked out of the shadows, and there, stood an Absol.
"W-who are you?!" said Zoey.
"The name's Ariana. Now listen, kid, you have something I want. And if I don't get it... your father will perish!" yelled Ariana.
"NO YOU WON'T!!" Zoey screamed.
Zoey ran as fast as she could to use a powerful tackle attack on Ariana, but Ariana, being a more powerful and faster Pokemon, stomped on Zoey and Zoey shrieked in pain.
"Zoey!!" cried Andrew.
Zack got up and off the effects of the sucker punch.
Zack raged with blistering fury, he used  another powerful thunderbolt attack on Ariana, but this time, he aimed his attack onto the ground.
"Hm, interesting strategy..." said Ariana.
Rocks surrounded with electricity went hurdling into Ariana. Ariana jumped up and used dark pulse on Zack.
"I must say, that was pretty remarkable, but, no matter what, the villain always wins!" said Ariana.
"You will never win!!" cried Andrew.
"SHUT UP!!" yelled Ariana.
She used a sucker punch attack on Andrew. Andrew trembled, but got right back up.
"You wanna fight? Fine, I'll show you what a fight really is!!" said Andrew.
Andrew ran towards Ariana with remarkable speed. He ran around Ariana and jumped off of rocks and the ground. Trying to make sure Ariana couldn't escape.
"Damn, this Buizel is fast!" Ariana said to herself.
She focused her attention on Andrew, who kept running with remarkable speed. Ariana finally saw Andrew and used an iron tail attack on Andrew.
"Ha! Nice try, but you'll never defeat me!" said Ariana.
"Andrew! You can't fight against her! She's to powerful for you!" said Zack. "It's my job to stop evil Pokemon like you disturbing our island! As one of the elite police officers...I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!"


                                Zack and Ariana glared at each other, waiting for either one of them to attack first. Zoey helped Andrew up off the ground. Zoey and Andrew watched anxiously.
"Father, please be careful!" Zoey said to herself.
Zack jumped up and used thunderbolt. Ariana shielded the thunderbolt by using dark pulse and a cloud of smoke covered Ariana and Zack.
"Father!" cried Zoey.
Zoey couldn't stand around anymore, she had to protect her father.
"Zoey!" Andrew grabbed her puffy tail. "You can't fight against Ariana, you're too weak! Even I can't defeat her!"
The smoke died down and Zack was standing on the battle field. But wait, where was Ariana? Suddenly, a random shadow ball came hurdling form the sky and onto Zack. Ariana landed onto the battle field. Zack had fainted.
"Hahaha! I told you I would win. Now, it's time to dispose of the children-"
Ariana paused and looked up at the sky. A Honchcrow came towards her way and he landed onto the battlefield.
"Ariana, I have a message from Dusknoir that he would like to see you at headquarters!" he said.
"Grr, fine." Ariana glared at Zoey and Andrew "I'll be back...and I will get you!" Ariana ran off and disappeared in mid air with Honchcrow.
"Dusknoir...?" Andrew rubbed his furry chin as he brain stormed.
"Dusknoir must seem like a really scary Pokemon!" said Zoey.
Zack trembled and got up off the ground. "...Ungh, looks like she got away..." Zack said softly.
"Father! Are you okay?" Zoey rushed over to her wounded father.
Zack had a big cut on his back and blood was oozing onto the ground.
"...I-I don't know..." Zack said softly.
"We gotta get him some medical attention!" said Andrew.
Zoey and Andrew helped Zack to a Pokemon center.