Bi Bi Bibi!

Welcome To GiscAniTeam!

Hi! Welcome to our home page! Feel free to come in and clean up the house! JUST KIDDING! LOL! ;) This is a website I made for me and my friends from school. We enjoy all things that include Gaara, Naruto, Buizel and other Anime/Manga! PLEASE RESPECT!!  GiscAniTeam is 1 big group of friends that draw anime/manga which
includes Pokemon, Naruto, Lucky Star and more! So please, feel free to look around and don't forget that.... GAARA AND BUIZEL ARE THE BEST OF ALL ANIME CHARACTERS!!!! :D

What's going on?

Hey everyone! I'm back! I'm sorry I haven't been on for a long time. Okay, so two reasons why I haven't been on in awhile is that ever since I got a deviant art account, I've been using it more than my website. Second, school has started once again and I'm totally consumed by my homework, and I'm even taking an advanced class! So I'm sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I'll also be uploading my drawing only on deviant art. I'm actually going to edit my story and make some changes to it. So yeah, RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D YAY! I haven't said it for awhile. :3 See ya next time! 

GISC-AniTeam on Deviant Art: LINK
